Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy Holidays from Goal!
Happy holidays!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Congratulations to the class of 2010!!!
Our SCB volunteer, Rushika, was also honoured for all her hard work and participation in the programme over the past four months.
Friday, December 24, 2010
When I first started interacting with the girls, I thought it would be quite a challenge as we came from totally different backgrounds and there were many cultural differences. Instead, I found in the girls some of the most amazing, kindest, funniest girls, and now friends, that I've ever met. I was so surprised at how confident and friendly the girls were with everyone they met - much more than I've ever been when meeting someone for the first time! Just through staying with the girls, and watching them grow through the program - I found myself becoming so much stronger and self-confident. Hearing their stories, and the challenges they face from day to day - it was like a huge jolt to my brain in realization of just how lucky and fortunate I've been in my life. Some of the girls are the head of their household at 15, the amount of responsibilities they have at that age is heartbreaking and yet they come out twice a week with the greatest smiles to play and learn. I would find myself complaining sometimes when it took me more than an hour to get to work because of traffic etc... and then I would see the staff, some of who travel almost 3 hours six days a week to work (and never complain!) or the girls themselves who walk an hour just to attend the Goal sessions. At first I thought this courage, confidence, and generally fantastic attitude towards life might be an innate aspect of Indian culture. But as I stayed on and interacted with people outside the program, and even saw new girls being recruited to the program - I realized it was in large part due to Goal that these girls are growing into such amazing young women - and more importantly such fantastic human beings.
The tagline for Goal reads - Reaching New Heights. It's a lovely idea, but what does it actually mean? It's hard to fully understand and appreciate it till you see a girl - whose goal in life used to be to get married by 16. All of a sudden, this same girl, a couple of months later, says she now wants to study so she can become a teacher or a coach someday. And in front of your eyes you've just seen new heights being reached.

A huge thank you to everyone from Goal and to all reading this out there - Happy Holidays!!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Global Girl News
Latest posts from Plan UK's 'Because I'm a Girl' blog:
- "Children"-on misuse and abuse,
- A gender and development reading list- all great suggestions.
Read Desmond Tutu and Mary Robinson's piece on why they're supporting the US legislation to prevent child marriage here.
In a blow to women's and girls' right advocates everywhere, this bill failed to be passed in the House. Read why and some of the reactions to it here.
Carrying on with the child marriage issue, have posted an article about child marriage in Zambia.
The Guardian newspaper has a fascinating section on Development. It recently posted a round-up of UN-HABITAT's latest report on Cities and Health. Unsurprisingly, women's and girls' health and safety are disproportionately comprised by living in cities.
Also, check out the Poverty Matters blog on the Global Development section of the Guardian- lots of opinion pieces on the hottest topics in development policy and aid. There's a great podcast on that contentious question: Do celebrities have a role to play in development?
Even though World AIDS day has been and gone, I wanted to share a blog post powerfully written by a friend of mine on gender and HIV/AIDS. As she says, HIV/AIDS is not a question of personal choice and responsibility, it is firmly rooted in poverty, inequality and prejudice.
Plus, this whole website- Women's Views on News- is always a fascinating read for the latest women's news from around the world.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Spotlight on One World Futbol
Who are One World Futbol?
A football that can never be punctured, never goes flat, never needs to be pumped and can be played on all terrains- an impossible dream? Well, it's now a reality thanks to One World Futbol!
One World Futbol was inspired by the determination of children living in Darfur's refugee camps to play their favourite game no matter what, even if it meant making footballs out of trash. The creation of an indestructible football is allowing any child, anywhere in the world to enjoy playing football at any time. Photo by Helmut Schleppi
These unique footballs are sold using the "Give One, Get One" model, so for every football sold, a second one will be donated by the One World Futbol project to a disadvantaged community. The not-for-profit foundation also distributes footballs through local NGOs, which serve people in refugee camps, conflict zones and communities in poverty around the world.

Photo by Ngueuliebou Frederic
The co-founder of One World Futbol, Tim Jahnigen, had this to say about the project: " The One World Futbol projects strives to improve the lives of youth and adults in disadvantaged communities worldwide by distributing an ultra-durable soccer ball to organisations on the ground in war zones, refugee camps, inner cities, and harsh environments for use in their work with communities in need."
Friday, December 17, 2010
Savings as Safety Nets
It's well-known that when women and girls have access to their own money, it creates a knock-on effect that ripples through their families and communities. So when we got this lovely note from Mary Ellen (a personal role model!) at Women's World Banking, one of the top organisations working in this space, we thought we should share it with you. And, as a bonus, Kashf Bank is a client of Standard Chartered. We're proud to help them support women like Syma.
SAVINGS: Creating Safety Nets for the Poor
December 2010
Dear Friends:
Lahore, Pakistan, is a city where even minor aspects of daily life create challenges for many people. Electricity is scarce, and the cost of sugar has doubled in the past year. For low-income women like Syma, it can be difficult to scrape together enough money to keep food on the table, much less save for upcoming expenses such as school fees or weddings.
Until recently, Syma’s only option to save money was to keep it in her home – where it was all too easy to spend – or with a neighbor, which meant a lack of privacy. In May 2010, with the support of Women’s World Banking, Kashf Microfinance Bank opened a savings kiosk in Syma’s neighborhood. The kiosk offers women like Syma a safe, convenient, and confidential place to save. Literacy rates are very low in Syma’s community, so account materials are picture-based to make it easy for Syma and her neighbors to understand how the account works.
Syma has been saving at the Kashf kiosk since May. “I’d like to continue this account for as long as I live,” she says. “At home you can’t save but once you deposit money here you can be assured it’s not going anywhere. I feel more financially independent and worry less about the future.”
Syma’s story is a powerful example of the efforts Women’s World Banking is making to build stronger microfinance institutions, expand products offerings beyond credit, and continue client research to better understand the needs of the poor women. I hope that Syma’s story will encourage you to join me in this endeavor by supporting our work today.
Illiteracy can be a major hurdle to financial education about the need for savings. WWB worked with Pakistan’s Kashf Microfinance Bank to introduced illustrated brochures so that even if a woman can’t read she can still manage a savings account.
WWB believes that the need for formal savings options is crucial: without them the poor are forced to keep cash at home or in informal savings groups which are risky and money can be lost. Our research shows that the poor save, generally in small amounts, an estimated 10 to 15 percent of their monthly income. Access to reliable savings products can help the poor reduce their vulnerability to major budget shocks, invest in the education of their children, and build assets that will see them through old age. Because women tend to shoulder the burden of saving in most poor households, a well-designed savings product can have significant empowerment benefits for women.
To motivate customers to save in the bank, Kashf launched a commitment savings account allowing customers to save for a particular goal, such as their children’s education and marriage and emergencies. In a time when we are all too familiar with the importance and necessity of having a savings safety net, I ask you to please give generously to help improve the lives of low-income women and their families.
Warm regards,
Mary Ellen Iskenderian
Friday, December 10, 2010
International Human Rights Day
This is a chance to celebrate not only those who defend human rights around the world and fight to end discrimination, but it is also a chance to reflect on what human rights mean to you.

Part of being empowered is understanding and knowing your human rights: that's why rights education is included in the Goal's life skills programme which all our girls receive.
Knowing your rights can help you see discrimination and hopefully speak up against it. They can help you understand what kind of behaviour is acceptable and what isn't. Importantly, if you know your rights, you know what is wrong and can access the help needed to right that wrong.
But human rights don't just mean political or civil rights like the right to vote for example. They also emcompass socio-economic rights, like the right to an education, the right to work and the right to bodily integrity which means that no one has the right to harm you physically, sexually or psychologically.
Sexual and reproductive rights are also vital for Goal girls to learn about: knowing these rights is essential to ending gender-based violence and ensuring that the girls have equal and adequate access to sexual health clinics and maternal health care.
Wherever you are in the world today, make sure you take a couple of minutes to think about human rights. If you are privileged enough to enjoy human rights, think about what your life would be like if you couldn't access them and think about those people around the world who aren't able to exercise free speech, who don't have the right to own a property or access education. If you aren't aware of your rights then it's never too late to learn about them and start claiming them!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Updates from Goal Jordan
I'm really glad to be part of the Goal project because it will not help the girls only in the short term (the period of the project), it will help them in the long term; in the way of dealing with their life, in the decision making process, in how to raise their kids in the future in how their kids will raise their kids and so on (as it will effect more than one generation).
Being part of this empowerment process is very amazing; helping girls and leading them to take and lead their lives in an open minded thinking to take the right choices, teaching them how to think how to take care of themselves.
At first I was very excited when I start reading the project (because all of the benefit which will affect the life's of the girls) but when I moved to the next step which was to choose the establishments to implement the project I was like flying from happiness as I notice the big smile which were painted in the faces of the managers which I explained the Goal project to and I felt more happy and excited when they told me that the girls in their areas are very marginalized and don’t have any one to lead them to the right way don’t have anything to fill their free time and that I'm bringing them the right project the project which will help them not just in the short run but in their whole life.
One of the sentences which I heard from the managers of the establishments and effect me and encouraged me the most is ''you are saving generations'' as it was the first sentence which the manager of Al Mansora Princess Basma Center told me after I finished explaining the project for her, actually the way and the excitement of her when she told me the sentence was just AMAZING !!
Monday, December 6, 2010
A note from Jordan
We are so excited to have Right to Play as our implementing partner for Goal in Jordan. They understand the power of sport to effect change more than anyone and we are so happy that they are on board. And (you heard it here first!), we'll soon be working with them in China as well.
Johann Olav Koss, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Right to Play International, had a message for our readers:
Right To Play is delighted to have been chosen as a delivery partner for Standard Chartered Bank’s Goal programmes in Jordan and China. Goal is a fantastic initiative that focuses on advancing female social, emotional and economic empowerment by harnessing the power of sport and play. Working with some of the most marginalised young people in the world, Goal also aims to enhance girls’ self-confidence and knowledge of key health and social issues. It’s focus and approach aligns perfectly with Right To Play’s own and we are very excited to be involved in the Goal programme over the next three years.
Hear more from Johann on Twitter. Follow us too!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Spotlight on Mifalot
Important advances in contributing towards peace in the Middle East are being made by Mifalot. And the vehicle that is bridging the divides between 20,000 Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian children every year? Football.
By building bonds of friendship between children across religious, ethnic, cultural and political differences on the football field, Mifalot hopes that mutual respect and understanding is achieved off the field too.
The programmes reach out to those most in need: disadvantaged and socially marginalised children, new immigrants, refugees, and children with special needs. Social integration and, more importantly, acceptance of other ethnic groups are facilitated through the programmes. Gal Paleg, International Development Manager of Mifalot, describes Mifalot's vision as "capturing the power of football in order to build more active, compassionate, just and cohesive communities, and to promote peaceful coexistence in our immediate region and beyond.”
Mifalot’s invaluable work and programmes are also being adapted to help even more children in Rwanda, Cameroon and Haiti.
All that hard work over the past 13 years is paying off...
Mifalot and Hapoel Tel Aviv Football Club won “Sport Team of the Year” at this year’s Beyond Sports awards. Congratulations! Click here to read about other winners.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Punitha's Progress
Goal participant Punitha is a 14 year old girl from Saidapet, a Goal site in Chennai. She hails from a challenged socio-economic background. She is the eldest and has two younger siblings. Her father is a ‘coolie ‘(daily laborer) and her mother works as a housemaid.
Seeing her family situation, she had always wanted to study well and get into to a good career to support her family financially. She has never played sports, and the first time when she heard the term ‘Netball’ it was something very new to her. Punitha was a very timid and soft spoken girl, but no more she is the same, she has gained confidence and had overcome her shyness.
“Usually girls do not play in the common play ground in our locality; I never thought that I would ever step into this ground to play. Whenever I would cross this playground in our community, I would think to myself - ‘Can I ever go and play inside this area?’ But now, I just can’t believe that it has become a reality!” says Punitha.

Going to school and helping her mother with household chores was all that she thought she can do and should do being a girl. She longer has this attitude, after joining Goal, her perspective of being a girl has changed.
“After being a part of this Goal Program, I learnt that sports can also be a channel to identify my goal and ambition and work towards it”, says Punitha.
Punitha wants to learn to use a computer and aspires to become a doctor. She feels that the Goal sessions are very useful and it’s a great opportunity for girls like her as it improves skills.
Camfed: Every Child Belongs on School
Sisters from Camfed on Vimeo.
Their goal this Christmas season is to send 1000 children like Afisha back to school so that they can once again view their futures with hope and excitement. Think about supporting Camfed today!