Friday, June 17, 2011

What's Father's Day got to do with girls empowerment?

The best example that I can think of is for another of our spotlights... This time on CAMFED. Did you know:

Every child has the right to be educated, right? CAMFED has fought poverty and AIDS through the education of girls and young women. Read about Marian, a girl who has been given the financial support to follow her dream and become a doctor.

So what’s this got to do with Father’s Day?
In Zimbabwe, a Father Support Group, under the umbrella of CAMFED, has spent months building two boarding houses where girls can stay while at school, rather than walking desperately long distances to attend school every day. What's even more amazing is that many of the men who built these hostels are farmers who need to put in as much time on their land as possible in order to support their family... And yet they still found time to make sure that as many girls as possible could be given a good education. "We see what a difference we are making so we keep making the effort," says one of the men.

I can't think of a better way to celebrate Father's Day than to think of these amazing Dad's, can you?

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