GNOC- The ‘women in sports festival’ begins. The Gambia national Olympic committee (GNOC) and the Gambia football association(GFA) organises the week of women in sports festival began on Saturday. This is the third year it has taken place and the main focus is to encourage and empower girls by mainstreaming them into the world of football.
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Programme director of the Girls Empowered is the Triad winner! Time Warner Cable’s National Super Connector Search will give Johnson a chance to star in a $100 million public service announcement to inspire kids to pursue education and careers in science, technology, engineering and math. Read more:

Girl Scouts Declares 2012 the Year of the Girl- Girl Scouts is the leading
authority on girls' healthy development, and builds girls of courage,
confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. With its 100th
anniversary coming up in April next year the CEO Anna Maria Chavez has named 2012 the year of the girl.
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Running organization is helping young girls- Girls on the run was founded by Molly Baker in 1996 Barker she created this national non-profit organization by having expertise in counselling and teaching adolescent issues. It has grown from just 13 girls in its first chapter to chapters in more than 160 communities. Girls on the Run prepares girls from 8 to 13 for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living; it involves physical and mental issues, including running and lessons to improve the emotional and social aspects that our important for young girls to learn. Read more:
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