Mayyada Al-Muafyee, a 21-years old goal coach, lives in North Badia; a Male dominate- conservative community with high percentage of unemployment and community interference in girls lives (who despite their education only have one choice after graduation: marriage).
Shortly after joining Goal Project in the training workshop with Right To Play, Mayyada' father passed away (the only and main supporter of the family). Instead of breaking down, Mayyada was encouraged to provide girls around her with chances she never had:
"I wish I had that chance when I was younger! to simply play, and be more aware of my health, body and manage my finances. Even my mom is using the Goal Manual to manage the household finances, especially after the loss of my father. Whenever I have a session you'd find my mom waking me up earlier than usual in order for me not to be late on my goal Champions all because of her belief in the project"
Totally dedicated and responsible towards her community, Mayyada participated in different activities previously, mainly concentrating on child care and motherhood, but never transferred that knowledge to any of her community members simply because she was shy and isolating herself. After joining Goal project her self confidence increased and through training 13-15 years old girls she no longer feels shy to stand in front of mothers to raise some sensitive issues. Furthermore, feedback from participating girls is that their mothers wish that they had been given the chance to take the training workshop after watching their girls become more expressive about their feelings and more aware of serious health issues.
Mayyada dreams of becoming a teacher in a rehabilitation centre within two years to help those who need help because of her realization to the inner strength she has and the great effect she can have on other people's lives, all through implementing Goal Project.

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