Women Win, in partnership with the U.K. Department for International Development and Standard Chartered Bank hosted the 6th successful Goal Train the Trainers Workshop. The workshop took place Feb 11-13 at the Sadili Oval sport complex in Nairobi, Kenya and brought together eight grassroots organizations using sport as a tool the empower adolescent girls. For three days, programme managers, coaches and facilitators convened to discuss and learn about Goal and best practices for implementing the programme in their communities.
Topics covered included Goal module and life skills overview, community engagement, Goal coaching techniques, role of sport in Goal and programme implementation. The group ended with mock sessions, in which participants practiced facilitating actual Goal sessions!
Participants in the training represented the organizations Moving the Goalposts (Kenya), Sadili Oval (Kenya), HODI (Kenya), VAP (Kenya), KMG (Ethiopia), PolyCom (Kenya), NOWSPAR (Zambia), MIFUMI (Uganda), ICRW (India), and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (The Netherlands).
The Women Win Team and participants had a blast, not only sharing the Goal experience and building capacity to implement the curriculum on the ground but also living out the ethos of Goal by playing as much sport as possible.
Group photo of Goal workshop participants at the Sadili Oval complex!

Workshop participants from MIFUMI, NOWSPAR, HODI and MTG engaged in group work during the workshop.

Women Win Impact Manager Meg Smith explains the rules to a Goal game!